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  • EPS线条的养护方法
  • 本站编辑:杭州欧罗建筑材料有限公司发布日期:2019-10-11 16:40 浏览次数:












The curing of EPS line can be divided into several stages and different methods can be used.

1. Before and during demoulding

After modification, the mold is usually covered with a clean and high-quality polyethylene film, which prevents the moisture contained in the EPS lines from evaporating and being affected by wind, and also helps maintain the hydration heat.

At the initial stage of curing, the EPS line should be strong enough to avoid damage during demoulding and handling.

2. Main maintenance

This main curing stage is to protect the EPS lines after demoulding from the influence of sunlight, wind and low humidity of air. Generally, plastic film is still used to cover the EPS lines to avoid direct exposure to sunlight. Local humidity can also be maintained through wet mist spraying.

3. Secondary curing

When the product is stored and used, there is a significant difference between its surroundings and the curing stage, it is necessary to adopt controlled post-curing.

This can be done in some simple ways to protect the product from direct sunlight during storage. In the storage stage, the EPS line should reach the designed strength, and the protection in this stage is to limit its dry shrinkage.

In the above curing process, the strength of EPS lines can be further improved. The handling and storage methods reflect the strength level of the product.